Friday, May 14, 2010

Something to Make You Laugh...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

So, Emily (my roommate from Zion) and I just woke up after our first night's sleep and God bless her- she reminded me to tell all of you of my final experience after exiting the land of Jordan.

Two hours after leaving Petra, our bus and tour guide Dahoud (spelling? it is pronounced "da-ooud") began tapping loudly on his microphone in order to grab the attention of our bus (he referred to us as a chatty bunch...go figure). He caught my attention quickly when he asked, "Who stayed in 447 back at hotel in Petra?" Em and I raised our hands and he informed us that the hotel was on the other end of his cell phone reporting that one of us had left our phones behind...guess what genius did that? ME!!

Strangely enough, I was really calm. Apparently, another group from the same program we are a part of will be going through Amman in a week or so. Dahoud is going to hold my phone and pass it off to the other group. Hopefully I will get it before I leave to return to the States. If not, I'm sure something will work out.

The real kicker is that once we arrived at our hotel in the Old City, Em and I quickly unpacked. As the bottom of my luggage bag came in view, I began to realize that something else was missing as well. My new, $16, %100 cotton, target robe. This sick feeling entered my belly and I found myself extremely disappointed! Can you believe that the reaction I should have had about my phone I was having about a stinkin bath robe! I left the thing on the back of the bathroom door in the Petra hotel. What gets me is that the hotel found my cell phone, but not my robe? Either way, now I can truthfully say "What happens in Petra, stays in Petra."


  1. Ally, Ally, Ally. How I miss you! I get to see you in a few weeks. I'm excited for all that He is doing and will continue to do in you in Israel and in Washington. Praying for you. Continue to strive toward always reflecting Christ. Mucho love for you!


  2. HAHAHAHA You have always hated your phone !!! I can just picture this playing out in my mind right now and I am literally laughing out loud!!!
