So, as many of you can see, I am attempting to catch you up on the past week and a half. There is far too much to tell and describe to you, but these next few pictures hold much significance (though they may not be as appealing as the waterfalls).
This past Thursday we had a free day. However, before the free day began, we had a tour of the Garden Tomb scheduled at 8:30 a.m. Not much of a free day, huh? Well, that was exactly the attitude I had walking into the tour. I was tired, I had laundry to do, and not to mention an exam the next day. I had no anticipation or expectation for the tour that lay ahead of me.
The Garden Tomb, like the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, is a "traditional" site for Jesus' tomb as well as where he was crucified. Our tour guide (a British, witty, charismatic Christian) explained to us that the Garden Tomb may have been a possible location for Jesus' tomb, but Dr. Steve believes that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is the more probable location. Regardless of whether or not Jesus was buried at the Garden Tomb, it was at this site that the Holy Spirit interrupted me with the reality of the gospel once again.
May I remind you, my body was weak and my desire was not to be up at 8:30 in the morning by any means. Yet, it was precisely during that time that God chose to meet me. Our charismatic, dry-humored, British tour guide began to explain to us that "though Jesus may not have been buried at the Garden Tomb, the reality of his victory over death and sin remains. In Christ the believer receives freedom from guilt, sin, and shame and for that we have reason to rejoice." He continued, "His grace is sure and is sufficient for all of our sins and weaknesses. Jesus Christ won the ultimate victory and he leaves us an empty tomb because He lives as the One who redeemed us from all of our transgressions."
It was then that the reality of the sufficiency of Christ's work on the cross as well as the security of His grace was made known to me yet again. His righteousness has been imputed to me by faith. In that knowledge I rejoiced and continue to rejoice as I reflect on His secure work yet again.
I could not push back the tears that began to form. As they slipped from underneath my sunglasses and rolled down my cheeks I treasured the reality of my living Savior. So many people travel to the Holy Land expecting God to meet them there. I have been watching men, women, and children kiss ancient artifacts or wait in line for hours hoping to touch the piece of stone that Jesus laid on when he was buried. All of them searching for hope, for redemption, for justification. Now, I am not the judger of a man's heart, and I would love to believe that many of these people know Christ. However, I do know that "broad is the road that leads to destruction and narrow the road that leads to life..." and oh how my heart aches that these people may know and understand that justification comes only by faith!
How sweet it was to be reminded on that Thursday morning of the grace that has washed all my sins away. May you be reminded as well.
Here are some more pictures from the Garden Tomb... (the group that you see worshipping was a group visiting from Europe singing the song, "He's Alive!" It was powerful.)
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