Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Reason For Existence

I realize that the title of this blog is rather intense. Even "epic," if you will. Yet, there is so much significance to it.

I just got off the phone with a dear, dear friend of mine. Ten years ago, he was just my brother's best friend. Now, he is still my brother's best friend, but more importantly he is a brother in Christ. I definitely have taken on the role of "big sister" in his life. He may not tell you that, but I have willingly stepped into this esteemed position.

For the sake of his protection, let's call him "G." G is a rare breed. Ever since I can remember, that kid has been asking my mom, my brother, and me all about faith and Jesus. There has been a stirring desire in him for years in regards to Truth and the Bible. I can recall several times where I have had the privilege to sit with him over a latte or in my living room back in East Longmeadow and discuss the "real meaning" of life.

G is intelligent, inquisitive, and hard headed. I love that about him. When I listen to him battle with the reality of the Gospel message, I recognize the beginning traits and characteristics of a modern day reformer. I feel like if I knew Martin Luther personally, I would be able to liken G to him.

We have not seen one another in over a year. Yes, life just conveniently prevents such things from happening. However, tonight after exchanging a few generic "Happy Easter" text messages, G decided to pick up the phone and call me. What followed after was quite unexpected...

Just a few weeks ago i spoke at dorm devotionals at my school. For the blog reader who has no idea what a dorm devotional is, let me explain. It simply is a night out of each month where the entire dormitory of girls gather together to worship and listen to God's Word. That night, I exposited out of Galatians 1:6-9. Without going in to every detail of the message, I explained to the girl's how we are no different from the Galatians that the apostle Paul was writing to. Just as Paul was bewildered by the way in which the Galatians were "adding" to Christ's finished work on the cross, so do we add to that work.

During my preparation for the message, God had is way with me. He really began to reveal to me how often I am preoccupied with my performances rather than being captivated by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ ultimately displayed at Calvary. Needless to say, I spoke my message from a place of true understanding.

It was so humbling to watch the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of those girls as the Word of God was communicated through a broken sinner such as myself. Why do I recount this night? Simply because that message i spoke lives on and I watched it play out before my very eyes as I talked with G this Easter night.

There is no greater honor than to encourage another believer in the knowledge of God's grace (hmmmm..maybe "My Reason For Existence"?..well, besides glorifying God..which I suppose encouraging someone in the Lord would ultimately do). G is in a battle right now. He is seeing God do awesome things in his life. He recognizes God's hand and genuinely desires to live a righteous life. However, like majority of us, he finds himself bound by his own ability to do right by God. Wait a minute... did I just type that in a blog? YES. Just like the Galatians, just like myself, G has been attempting to add to Christ's finish work on the cross where Christ died for G's sins (as well as the rest of mankind's, might I also add).

Why did I write about this? In hopes that the one who is reading this blog would be able to identify with G and lift him up in prayer. Pray for his perseverance in the faith. Pray that the eyes of his heart would be enlightened to the knowledge of the hope that he has been called to, as well his inheritance. Pray that the guilt and condemnation that Satan has been attempting to bring on him would be removed. Pray that someday, G himself will be communicating and encouraging someone else in the knowledge of God's grace.

Why else did I write about this? In hopes that the reader will be encouraged in this same knowledge as well. May each of us like Paul declare, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20, ESV)

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